Arcosm was created in 2001 and is currently directed by Thomas Guerry.

The company main objective is to build bridges between different artistic disciplines and languages; music, dance and singing are the roots of this artistic approach. The main elements of the human voice (rhythm, melody, timbre and tone) are closely linked to the musical world, and give vividness and theatricality to the characters.

The artists are required to use their personal skills but also to explore less-familiar areas of artistic expression. Combined with highly-mastered techniques, these new ways of expression create the sensitive and emotional breaks the company is looking for in order to achieve its artistic aims.

Curiosity is at the heart of our artistic approach, it enables us to bring together areas of expression which are usually distant from each other. We do not intend to conform to the recognized rules. Our wish is to broaden the artistic perspective without following a pre-establish vision.

The shows produced by the company are daring and fiery, serious and funny. They express chaos, rebellion or euphoria with the utmost sensibility; de facto, they are a reflection of our own lives.

Site de la compagnie

Next performances

18 minutes 34 secondes

Théâtre du Vellein, Villefontaine (38)
Wednesday 13 November 2024 18h30
Thursday 14 November 2024 9h45
Thursday 14 November 2024 14h30


Le Carré Magique, Pôle national cirque en Bretagne - Lannion (22)
Thursday 5 December 2024 14h30
Friday 6 December 2024 14h30
Friday 6 December 2024 20h00


BIG BANG festival – Charleroi (Belgique
Friday 8 November 2024
Saturday 9 November 2024
Toute les dates de la saison

Shows on tour

Available on tour